PopTech Conference Identity

In 2019, Ghost Note was hired by globally acclaimed thought leadership organization PopTech to design the brand identity and content strategy for its 2019 conference. Ghost Note conceived the ‘Shift’ theme and created all of the subsequent visual identity components for the event. Since this time, Ghost Note has come onboard as PopTech’s agency of record and developed content to support the shifting landscape sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic.
PopTech is a global network committed to the vanguard of emerging technology, science, exploration and creative expression. Ghost Note was tasked with creating a theme, brand, and content strategy for the organization’s 2019 conference (‘Shift’)
Solutions / Approach
Having participated in the PopTech conference for years prior to our hiring, Ghost Note began by conducting a discovery phase to more deeply understand the spirit of knowledge and community behind the PopTech organization.
Ghost Note ideated and presented a number of 2019 conference themes aimed at capturing the essence of the PopTech experience. The theme ‘Shift’ was selected. With the theme in place, our team went to work creating a visual identity founded on dynamic motion in messaging and graphics to drive the “Shift” conference theme visually. It was critical that the conference visuals excited and energized event attendees around this idea of movement, while still feeling cohesive with the larger PopTech brand.

After designing the brand visual identity for the 2019 conference, Ghost Note created a broad system of assets to support a successful event, including logos (static and motion), animated speaker slates for the conference stage, email and social media promotional assets, conference swag (hats and notebooks), and the conference opening video production.
In 2020, Ghost Note was named agency of record to PopTech. Over the course of the next year, we produced a variety of content to support PopTech’s 2020 theme of “Reset” and developed a strategy to support the conference’s digital-first approach given the realities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following our initial engagement with PopTech and being naming as agency of record, Ghost Note was tasked with driving the rebrand of the entire organization. Additionally, we have been charged with leading strategy to position PopTech as a unique network that is much bigger than its annual conference. We look forward to sharing our latest work with PopTech in the months to come.